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Very Veggie Lasagna

Prep Time
30 minutes
Cook Time
45 minutes
Total Time
1 h 15 m
8  People


Recipe makes 8 Servings

1 cup(s) yellow squash
1 cup(s) zucchini squash
1 Eggplant
1 Tsp kosher salt
1 Tsp Black Pepper
10 Oz spinach
8 Oz Fat Free Ricotta Cheese
1 garlic cloves, chopped
1 basil leaves, chopped
12 Oz no boil lasagna noodles
8 Oz shredded mozzarella cheese
16 Oz Tomato Sauce
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Preheat oven to 400°F.
Place on a lined baking sheet and spray with a minimal amount of cooking spray. Then sprinkle with salt and pepper.
Bake sliced vegetable in the oven for 10-12 minutes. The veggies should start to brown lightly.
While veggies are baking, strain frozen spinach in a mesh strainer or wring out in a clean cloth towel. You want to remove as much moisture as possible.
In a medium size bowl, combine ricotta cheese, garlic, and chipped basil. Mix until combined.
Remove roasted veggies from the oven and allow to cool a few minutes before building lasagna.
To build lasagna, start by lightly spraying an 8x8 inch baking dish with non-stick spray.
Place a few spoonfuls of tomato sauce at the bottom of the dish. Then place the first layer of no bake noodles.
Next place a thin layer of ricotta cheese mixture.
Next place 1 layer of veggies, then top with a layer of sauce and then the second layer of noodles. Repeat until all veggies are gone. It is okay to have leftover noodles.
For the top layer, pour remaining tomato sauce over last layer then cover with 1 cup of part skim mozzarella cheese.
Bake in the oven for 1 hour, or until hot all the way through. Allow lasagna to cool a few minutes before serving.
