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25 results
Charred Cauliflower with Smoked Turmeric
25 min
6 ingredients
Unsaved Charred Cauliflower with Smoked Turmeric
Vegan Taco Wraps
1 hr
14 ingredients
Unsaved Vegan Taco Wraps
Incas Grains with Roasted Vegetables
1 hr
11 ingredients
Unsaved Incas Grains with Roasted Vegetables
Fire Roasted Guacamole
25 min
9 ingredients
Unsaved Fire Roasted Guacamole
Zucchini And Hominy
30 min
6 ingredients
Unsaved Zucchini And Hominy
Cashew "Parmesan"
6 min
6 ingredients
Unsaved Cashew "Parmesan"
Butternut Spiral Salad with Creamy Italian Dressing
25 min
9 ingredients
Unsaved Butternut Spiral Salad with Creamy Italian Dressing
Tomato and Shallot Conserva
4 hr 15 min
6 ingredients
Unsaved Tomato and Shallot Conserva
Grilled Asparagus and Broccolini
15 min
7 ingredients
Unsaved Grilled Asparagus and Broccolini
Curry Dusted Roasted Potato and Spinach Salad
55 min
11 ingredients
Unsaved Curry Dusted Roasted Potato and Spinach Salad
Kale and Sweet Potato Stew
40 min
11 ingredients
Unsaved Kale and Sweet Potato Stew
Curried Lentils and Chickpeas Over Atry Smoked Basmati Rice
40 min
11 ingredients
Unsaved Curried Lentils and Chickpeas Over Atry Smoked Basmati Rice
Homemade Ancho and Guajillo Salsa
2 hr 30 min
11 ingredients
Unsaved Homemade Ancho and Guajillo Salsa
Spicy Citrus Edamame Hummus
16 min
7 ingredients
Unsaved Spicy Citrus Edamame Hummus
Homemade Pumpkin Puree
50 min
1 ingredient
Unsaved Homemade Pumpkin Puree
Paleo Roasted Cauliflower Tabbouleh
40 min
11 ingredients
Unsaved Paleo Roasted Cauliflower Tabbouleh
Chickpea Tikka Masala
1 hr
13 ingredients
Unsaved Chickpea Tikka Masala
Kale Stock
2 hr 20 min
6 ingredients
Unsaved Kale Stock
Carrot Schug
45 min
9 ingredients
Unsaved Carrot Schug
Garlic Cashew Sauce
8 hr
7 ingredients
Unsaved Garlic Cashew Sauce
Instant Pot Butternut Squash
20 min
4 ingredients
Unsaved Instant Pot Butternut Squash
Easy Oven Roasted Butternut Squash
55 min
3 ingredients
Unsaved Easy Oven Roasted Butternut Squash
Sage and Rosemary Fried Almonds
23 min
6 ingredients
Unsaved Sage and Rosemary Fried Almonds
Rice with Butternut Squash and Brussels Sprouts
55 min
4 ingredients
Unsaved Rice with Butternut Squash and Brussels Sprouts