Materials Found At Your H-E-B
Jumbo Eggs
Yellow egg dye
Orange pipe cleaners
Elmer's glue
How To Make It
1. Boil the eggs and let cool.
2. Dye eggs yellow and let dry.
3. Take pipe cleaners and cut two 1-inch pieces, two 2-inch pieces, and one 3-inch piece (per egg).
4. With 1-inch pieces, make "V" shapes. With the 2-inch pieces, loop around the base of the "V's" with one end splitting the "Vs'" ends, and the other standing straight up. Now you have two short legs, each with a foot and three toes.
5. Make a ring with the 3-inch piece and securely wrap the ends of the two legs to the ring, keeping the ring's opening facing up. Rest yellow egg on ring.
6. Cut a half-inch by half-inch piece of orange construction paper for the beak. Fold diagonally to make a triangle. Fold again making smaller triangle. Glue longer side of triangle at beak level of the egg and hold until dry and stable.
7. Draw eyes with the marker.
8. Cut 2 (per egg) human-like hands with yellow construction paper (half egg-size).
9. Glue bottom of palms of hands to sides of eggs—fingers facing forward. Hold until dry and stable.
10. Bend unglued part of hands 90 degrees back so palms are facing forward.
Place Hatchling so straddling a broken-in-half egg shell, as if just hatched.
Make a nest and put Hatchling with other decorated eggs.
You could alternatively make eyes with construction paper of your color choice.