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Dinner Club Rules

In order to have a dine-in gourmet group that's fun and educational, basic organizational rules need to be set up. These rules will help make the meals more enjoyable for all members.

Include couples, singles, or paired friends who are interested in enjoying fun gourmet dining.

Participants will be divided into 4 to 5 pairs for each meal. Each member pair will host at least one dinner or group dessert. The pair selects which theme they wish to host. The hosting pair will have a substitute host in case of an unforeseen conflict or emergency. The meal hosts can invite a guest pair.

The menu for the gourmet meals will be divided among the grouped pairs as follows:
  • Host Pair: Beverages
  • Pair #2: Entrée
  • Pair #3: Starch & vegetable
  • Pair #4: Salad & bread
  • Pair #5: Dessert

Chair pair responsibilities
This couple will plan the meal and prepare the recipe notebook to be used by the dinner club members. They'll be responsible for sending out the meal invitations that identify who the host pair, member pairs, and dessert host will be. The chair pair, like other member pairs, will take turns hosting themed meals.

Host pair responsibility
The assigned host pair ensures that everyone has received an invitation and understands which recipes they're responsible for.

Group pair responsibility
The participating group pair must obtain a substitute pair in case they're unable to attend. Recipes involved must be supplied to the substitute pair.

Likes and dislikes
A survey of likes, dislikes, and theme meal preferences will be gathered from members.

Gourmet training sessions
Special gourmet skills training sessions will be held 1 to 2 weeks before a theme meal if necessary.

An initial cost of $10 will be assigned to each pair to pay for the cost of reproducing the Gourmet Dinner Club Recipe Book, theme meal invitations, and postage.