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build a support team

Build a Support Team

When it comes to lifestyle change, many people think they have to do it all on their own. Often, people are unwilling to share their goals and plans with others because they lack confidence or worry about what others will think.

There are many reasons you may need the support of others along your journey. Because you will likely need different types of support at different times on the way to achieving your goals, plan on building a supportive team rather than depending on one person to provide all the support that you need.


Someone to Listen to You
It's important to be able to share your thoughts and feelings with others. It's also important to have someone who can be open and honest with you. Find one or two people with whom you can share both positive and negative aspects of your life. Find someone who is willing to just listen rather than always trying to give you advice.

Someone to Participate With You
As we talked about in the Body Section, it's often easier and more enjoyable to make lifestyle changes when others participate with you. While it would be nice if our family made changes along with us, they may not be ready. You shouldn't let this stop you. Try to find someone with similar interests and needs. For example, find a co-worker who is committed to making healthy changes and be accountable to one another.

Someone to Encourage You
It's easier to make changes when others are encouraging and supporting you. Having someone to encourage you can be helpful when you slip up or don't reach your goals as quickly as you would like. It's important to feel that others are proud of your successes.

Someone to Provide Knowledge
To achieve and maintain your goals, you may need to build some relationships with people who have knowledge and experience in the areas you're trying to change. A health or fitness professional can help you create an exercise plan until you feel more comfortable doing it yourself. A registered dietitian can also provide dietary recommendations for you.

Someone to Assist You
Successful change may require you to reorganize how you spend your time. To achieve your goals, you may need others to help you get things done.

Building your support team can be as easy as A, B, C:

  • Ask for the specific help you need and develop a plan together. Don't expect others to know how to provide the support you need.
  • Be sensitive to the needs of others and reward them for their support. Thank them for their support and help them work toward achieving goals they may have.
  • Choose good partners and don't expect one person to provide all of the support you need.

For those who have been active for a while, add some excitement into your program by becoming a support person and mentor for others. Becoming a Healthy Hero allows you to find new value in your healthy lifestyle. It can help hold you accountable to your own program and keep your exercise experience fresh.

If you see someone who could use some support, don't be shy. Offer your help. You just may be the person who gets them excited about making a change and has a lasting effect on their life!