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managing your stress

Managing Your Stress

You can't avoid all the stressful situations in your life, but you can develop the skills you need to deal with and respond to stress more effectively.

  • Identify what is causing stress in your life. Think about how you typically respond to stress. If particular circumstances or events in your life are causing you to feel stressed, begin exploring different ways to better manage your stress.
  • Try not to worry. Easier said than done, right? Remember, nothing is ever changed by worrying. Instead, you have to find ways to take positive action. It may take time to find what helps you feel less stressed and what works for one person may not work for you.
  • Be physically active. A healthy and fit body is much more able to deal with stress effectively. Regular activity reduces your heart rate and blood pressure response to a stressful event. And physical activity may actually help lower some of the hormones your body releases in response to stress. Activity provides an escape for a little while!
  • Make healthy food choices. Your body needs the energy from food to handle stressful situations. You also need good nutrition such as vitamins, minerals and protein. Balanced nutrition and portion control will also help keep you from gaining weight during stressful times.
  • Make time for important things in your life. Say "no" more often to less important demands on your time.
  • Keep a calendar. Manage the events and responsibilities in your life. Plan ahead for challenging events.
  • Keep a small notebook. Take this notebook with you to jot down reminders or keep a notebook by your bed if you are a nighttime worrier.
  • Set aside specific "worry time." Use this specific worry time to do all your worrying, then move on to other actions you need to do.
  • Take deep breaths. Deep breathing can help calm you down. Breathe slowly and deeply in through your nose and then exhale out through your mouth. Allow your body to relax as you blow the air out.
  • Close your eyes and think of a relaxing place. This can be a beach, lake or park. Imagine yourself there. Imagine what you would see, what it feels like, how it smells and what you would hear.