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Getting To Know Spring Creek Growers

Spring Creek Growers

H-E-B works with several Texan growers to provide you plants that are acclimated to our climate and landscape. We sat down recently with Spring Creek Growers from Magnolia for a Q&A about how they got started, what their hottest items are and what it's like to work with H-E-B.

When did you start the business?

Bob and Carla Jones began the choose-and-cut Christmas tree farm in 1992 on Carla's family's land in Magnolia, TX. The property was originally purchased in 1921 by her grandparents, who grew vegetables and sold them at the farmer's market in Houston. Bob and Carla decided to pursue and continue the family's agricultural heritage, planting the first crop of Christmas trees in the late '80s and opening to the public in 1992. Bob's career was managing annual color departments and consulting at several greenhouse operations across the state. In 2004 Bob and Carla built their own greenhouses and began the wholesale nursery operation.

Why did you start the business?

Bob's interest in agriculture began at a very young age and he was even featured in the Tyler, TX newspaper which featured his summer tomato farm enterprise at the age of 10. He worked summers landscaping in the Dallas area while pursuing his biology and horticulture degree at SFASU. Bob and Carla had a shared interest in agriculture and her family's farm provided the perfect opportunity to begin their enterprise.

Who works at Spring Creek?

We have a fantastic core team, from product procurement to growing to order processing to distribution. We have a strong staff of both family members and employees that certainly feel like family!

About a third of our staff have been with us for five years or longer, and a handful have been with us for 10+ years! Bob and Carla are still actively involved in the business, and all of their children have come onboard after graduating college--Lauren from Baylor, Evan from Texas A&M, and Kristen from UT at Austin. Lauren directs Sales & Marketing, Evan is the Head Grower & Production Manager, and Kristen oversees HR and Christmas tree farm activities.

How many employees do you have during peak growing season?

Typically, during peak season, we have approximately 40 employees on staff.

How long have you been growing for H-E-B?

10 years.

Why do you like working with H-E-B?

H-E-B has fostered this amazing environment of creativity, competitiveness and entrepreneurial spirit that has catapulted our programs success. The H-E-B culture is magnetic. Every partner has always made us feel a part of the H-E-B family and we are extremely proud to be a part of the success. When a relationship feels like family it's easy to be creative and seek out opportunities. H-E-B's connection to local communities also makes us feel a part of a bigger picture than just selling plants.

What would you say is your most popular program at H-E-B?

Delphinium and Bluebonnets – seas of blues. A bursting, blue flower is rarer than your typical pinks and yellows, which make these programs so special. The state flower is simply irresistible and brings out so much Texas pride. Delphinium is one of our signature items that makes a huge statement in the springtime. It's one of our favorites because the blooms can be up to 16” tall and it can easily double as a cut flower – best of both worlds!

Where are you located?

We have the Christmas tree farm and a few greenhouses in Magnolia, Texas. Our main growing greenhouses and facilities are in Waller, Texas. They're about 25 minutes apart.

Can you tell us a few interesting facts about your business and growing facility?

  • We have a 4th generation family business on property that dates back to 1921 with continuous agriculture use. We actively use the original structures and equipment on the farm including our famous, red, early 1950s Farmall tractors.
  • We currently have a new state of the art greenhouse about to finish construction that is in direct correlation with H-E-B's growth. We've been calling it the 'Groovy Greenhouse' that matches a new program we have that's geared around bright and unique annuals.
  • We will trial almost any plant to see if could be a good fit for Texas gardens. The trialing process for us usually takes about 1-2 years in cycle to get a good feel for a plant's full potential and heat adaptability. Our core team reviews everything from seed viability with the breeders, time to market, holdability at the store to garden performance for the consumer. This is our favorite aspect of our business that always keeps us fresh and excited about new developments to offer. We consider this research and trial process a niche.

Any fun stories for us?

When we jokingly suggested putting Bob's face on our Bluebonnet signage, we didn't really think we would go through with it. His picture looked great and was a perfect fit for the ad! We sort of kept it from him until all the shipments started being assembled and he was witnessing hundreds of racks go by in the warehouse with his face on each side. Days later, we started receiving 'selfies' of family, (super extended family, too) and friends next to his photo at their local H-E-B's. He's totally famous in our family now. Our Oklahoma family is waiting for their shipment still.