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how to puppy proof your house:
10 things to know

There’s no secret you’ll keep from your pup when you bring them home for the first time. In one fail swoop, they’ll have checked out every closet, every inch of the yard, and have chewed, pawed at, and otherwise gnarled every shoe they can get ahold of. And so as you prepare to introduce them to their new living space and make them part of your family, there are a couple of smart things you can do ahead of time to make the transition and integration as easy as one-two-three. Here, our top ten ways to puppy-proof before you bring your dog home:

1. Child Proof.

Just like you would for a baby, it can be important to child-proof cabinets so that curious paws don’t open doors that you’d like to otherwise stay shut. Especially things like chemicals or foods (i.e. chocolate) that are delicious for you but dangerous for them. 
2. Potty Training
One of the most dreaded and worried about parts of having a new pup is potty-training. But luckily, HEB has supplies like HEB Puddle Busters and odor and floor cleaners that make the process as easy as possible. Stock up and always have extra supplies on hand in case of an emergency.
3. Doggy Doors
If you’re installing a dog door, one of the most important things is to think ahead. What is the max size and weight your dog might be? Will you ever get pups bigger than the one you’re prepping for? Once you know these things, make sure to install a door that’s big enough and right for your pets.
4. Cats and Dogs
Litter boxes are heaven for kittens but messy for pups. As much as possible, keep them out of reach from your dog.
5. Tuck Away Cords
Wherever you have big electronics, make sure to have cords are out of sight.
6. Outside
There are plenty of things in the yard and shed that can be dangerous to your pup. Think about getting rid or securing things like fertilizers, antifreeze, gasoline, and sharp objects like garden tools to keep your pup out of harm’s way.
7. Poisonous Plants
Just as chocolate can have ill-effects on pups, there are a few things growing in your garden (past the obvious like poison ivy) that could be harmful to your ball of fur. Get rid of things like lilies, tulips, and aloe vera.
8. Stock Up
There’s nothing worse than realizing you need things like food and water bowls at the last minute. Make a list of all the supplies like this you’ll need from feeding to cleaning to having fun, and get them all on your next trip to HEB.
9. Secrets in Your Closet.
If there are things you don’t want your dog to get ahold of like shoes, bags, etc., make sure to always put them on a high shelf or secured in the closet.
10. Toy Story
At HEB, you’ll find toys galore such as the spot paw tennis balls, ropes, and squeaky toys and supplies like leashes, crates, and more. Make sure that you have plenty to keep your dog occupied so they won’t want to look for things around the house to chew or get into. Have fun!