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10 things you need
to kitten-proof your home

There have been more than one sayings about the difference of cats and dogs, and when prepping to bring home your kitten for the very first time, those can’t be stated enough. While it’s easy to think of all the ways your pup might make itself at home (i.e. your shoe wardrobe becoming its personal chew-toy library) cats can be a little quieter about telling you their needs. And so, without delay, we bring you ways to make your four-legged friend feel right at home from the very start.

1. Think Outside the Litter Box.

When you’re first scouting a place for your kitten’s litter box, make sure to take a few things into consideration. You’ll want it to be on a flat, smooth surface that you could easily sweep up if need be, you’ll want it to be a less-trafficked area so that people don’t track it elsewhere, and you’ll want to make sure it’s somewhere you don’t forget to occasionally visit as well. You can stock up on all your litter needs at HEB.
2. Keep a Lid on It.
While the old adage that cats don’t like water can be true, kittens can climb in toilets and drowned -- or at least make a huge mess. Keep lids closed unless you’re using the bathroom.
3. Counter Culture.
While keeping things you don’t want your pup to get into high on counters is a good strategy, it doesn’t hold up as well with cats. Think about where you place things like burning candles and breakables so that you don’t wind up with a bigger mess.
4. Get Rid of Poisonous Plants.

You might not know it, but common house plants like amaryllis, lilies, and aloe vera can be poisonous to the taste for cats. Check out the full list from Purina.
5. Scrap It Up.

Many cats find tuna, dairy, chocolate, coffee and tea poisonous, so make sure they go from plate or cup to trash and aren’t left out.
6. Stock Up on the Good Stuff.
HEB Hill Country Fare Cat Food comes in a variety of flavors and sizes for indoor and outdoor cats. When you know you’re getting a new pawed pal, stock up so that you never run out.
7. Don’t String Them Along.
Tassels on blinds, cords, and other household objects that look like a ball of yarn are tempting to kittens. Make sure they’re tucked away so that they aren’t a temptation.
8. Toy Time.
At H-E-B, we have all the toys that kittens love to play with and that will keep them having fun all day long. Like mouses, yarn ball toys, and more! Get to your local store and start having fun with your kitten.
9. Behind Closed Doors.
Cats can be more difficult to find than your pooch so close doors to rooms, dryers, etc. to ensure that your kitten is easy to find.
10. Keep Them Inside.
Until you have a grown cat, make sure that you block doggie doors and other exits to the house. Kittens are vulnerable to strays or wild animals that might be outside.