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how to properly clean cat accidents

Clean up cat accidents

Even the most well trained kitty may occasionally “think outside the box,” and take care of his business on your floor, bed, rug, etc. The reasons for this sudden change in behavior can range from illness, to stress, to a litter box that needs changing. Whatever the reason, fewer things are as difficult to clean as cat urine. If the pungent, ammonia-like smell is not completely eliminated, your cat may return to the scene of the crime and become a repeat offender. The following tips can help you get rid of the smell once and for all, and leave your home smelling fresh.
Get Nose-y:
Trust your nose-it knows! Even if you can’t see the offending spot, chances are that if you smell cat urine, it’s there. Feel around or use a black light to illuminate the area so you know exactly where to clean.
Blot the Spot:
Once you find the area, soak up as much of the liquid as possible using absorbent paper towels.
Choose Your Weapon:
There are plenty of cleaning products on the market that are specifically designed to break down the odor of cat urine rather than just mask it. You can use one of these formulas or, if you prefer a more natural method, try dousing the area with white vinegar.
Cleaning the area isn’t always enough to deter a stubborn feline. That’s why it doesn’t hurt to take a few preventative steps. Cats don’t like to eat in the bathroom, so put his food bowl near the spot. Or try using a citrus scented deodorizer near the area. Cats generally don’t like that scent.