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Meet H-E-Buddy

A fun Visit with H-E-Buddy!
Here’s a sneak peek at your pal H-E-Buddy. Find out how he stays busy all day long.

Are you a popular guy?
I don’t know about that, but I really do love people. Maybe that’s why I get invited to so many places. I go to parades, basketball and football games and store openings. You’ll also see me at hospitals, schools, libraries – all sorts of places. I bet I’ll see you somewhere soon.

Do you have a favorite hobby?
I like to do all sorts of fun things. Like keeping active. In fact, I like to run sack races! But my favorite hobby is reading. I love to go to the library at school or on the weekends and check out big, colorful books.

What do you like to eat for snacks?
Hey, I’m all about good, healthy food. There’s nothing like a bright red apple or crispy carrot to make me happy. I also love Buddy snacks, of course. They’re delicious, especially Buddy Grahams. I’m eating some right now!

You’re so happy and healthy. How do you do it?
One word: EXERCISE. I play games, run races, take walks and sometimes I lift weights.

What else do you want to tell boys and girls?
Boys and girls, every day I try to eat good food, stay healthy, play, be kind to other people and pay attention in school. It just makes me super happy and puts a smile on my face. Why don’t you try doing that, too?