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healthier family favorites

You probably have favorite recipes that have been passed down through the generations in your family. You want to keep the recipe in the family, but how can you bring it up to 21st century nutritional standards?

Add healthy ingredients to common foods and favorite recipes.

  • Add extra vegetables to soups, salads, sandwiches, pasta and rice dishes. In doing so, you will add fiber and vitamins. More vegetables and less meat also makes meals cost less.
  • Add fruit to breakfast cereal, pancakes and waffles.
  • Add dried fruit to salads and baked goods.


Replace a less healthy ingredient with a healthier one.

  • Use skim or 1% milk instead of whole milk.
  • Use two egg whites instead of one whole egg.
  • Try a sugar substitute instead of sugar.
  • Use herbs instead of salt.
  • Try brown rice instead of white rice.
  • Try low-fat versions of mayonnaise, salad dressing, milk, sour cream, cheese and cream cheese instead of the regular variety.
  • Choose a whole grain corn tortilla rather than flour.

What's a favorite recipe where you could replace a less healthy ingredient with a healthier one? Read about low-carb swaps and healthy holiday swaps.

Decrease or cut out a less healthy ingredient if it isn't needed.

  • Use less butter, lard, margarine and mayonnaise in recipes. Try a lighter oil, such as canola or olive oil.
  • Take skin off chicken.
  • Cut down on cheese in mixed dishes.
  • Use less salt in foods and recipes.

What's a favorite recipe where you could decrease or eliminate a less healthy ingredient?

Try these updated comfort food classics: