Spectracide Wasp And Hornet Killer
20 oz
$5.18 each
Where to find this
The power is in your hands to keep your landscape in line unleash it with Spectracide lawn and garden products. Our easy-to-use insect, lawn disease and weed control solutions help you tame lawn and landscape invaders with incredible pest-punishing power. Take command with Spectracide brand. You hold the power.Spectracide Wasp and Hornet Killer3 (aerosol) eliminates wasp and hornet nests by killing insects on contact. Use this product to spray nests with up to a 27 ft jet spray. Use this product outdoors where insects live and breed never use indoors. This product is non-staining to most home siding depending on age and cleanliness. Before using in areas where the spray may contact home siding, test in an inconspicuous area and recheck in a few hours. Use of this product on evergreen and holly is not recommended as damage may result. Take charge of your backyard with Spectracide weed and bug control products.
Active Ingredients: Prallethrin (0.025%), Lambda Cybalothrin (0.010%). Other Ingredients (Contains Petroleum Distillates) (99.965%).Allergens and safety warnings
Keep out of reach of children. Hazards to humans and domestic animals. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, or clothing. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling. First Aid: If Swallowed: immediately call a Poison Control Center or doctor. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by a Poison Control Center or doctor. Do not give any liquid to the person. Do not give anything by mouth to any unconscious person. If on Skin or Clothing: take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. Call a Poison Control Center or doctor for treatment advice. Have the product container with you when calling a Poison Control Center or doctor, or going for treatment. Not to Physician: contains petroleum distillates - vomiting may cause aspiration pneumonia. Environmental Hazards: this pesticide is toxic to fish. Do not apply directly to water. Physical Hazards: contents under pressure. Do not use or store near heat or open flame. Do not puncture or incinerate container. Exposure to temperatures above 130 degrees F may cause bursting. Notice: to the extent consistent with applicable law, buyer assumes all responsibility for safety and use not in accordance with directions.