Ortho Orthene Fire Ant Killer
12 oz
$12.44 each($1.04 / oz)
Where to find this
Kills fire ant workers within hours. For outdoor home use only. Destroys the mound. Kills the queen. No watering-in. Fire ant workers track the powder deep into the mound where it also kills the queens, destroying the mound. Colonies are destroyed within 3 to 7 days. Product Facts (1 tablespoon (tbs) = 3 teaspoons (tsp)): Kills Insects: fire ants; red harvester ants. Where to Use: On home lawns; around ornamental plants (including flowers, shrubs & trees). Amount to Use: Fire ant and red harvester ant mounds - 1 tablespoon per mound. Made in USA.
Active Ingredient: Acephate (50%), Other Ingredients: (50%).Allergens and safety warnings
Keep out of reach of children. Hazards to humans & domestic animals. Harmful if swallowed. Causes moderate eye irritation. Avoid contact with eyes, skin and clothing. Avoid breathing dust or spray mist. When handling this product, wear chemical resistant gloves, long pants, and long-sleeved shirt. When using outdoors, spray with the wind to your back and do not use when wind speeds are 10 mph or more. Wash the outside of the gloves with soap and water before removing. First Aid: If Swallowed: Drink 1 or 2 glasses of water or milk and induce vomiting by touching the back of the throat with finger. If possible, contact a physician, Poison Control Center or emergency center before inducing vomiting. Do not induce vomiting or give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Take person and product to the nearest emergency treatment center. If in Eyes: Flush eyes with plenty of water. Call a physician if irritation persists. Note to Physicians: Emergency Information call 1-800-225-2883. Acephate is a cholinesterase inhibitor. Atropine is antidotal. 2-PAM is also antidotal and may be used in conjunction with atropine but should not be used alone. Environmental Hazards: This pesticide is toxic to birds. Do not apply directly to water. Do not contaminate water by cleaning of equipment or disposal of wastes. Cover or soil-incorporate spills. This product is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment or residues on blooming plants. Do not apply this product or allow it to drift to blooming plants if bees are visiting treatment area. Buyer assumes all risks of use, storage or handling of this product not in accordance with directions.