H‑E‑B Bella Mandarins
3 lb bag
$3.59 each
$2.97 eachIn Produce with the Citrus
Victoria H‑E‑B plus!
Rushed to stores for peak freshness, H-E-B Bella Mandarins are the first pick of the season. Extremely sweet, juicy and seedless, they release an aromatic scent as you easily peel them. They are of the Clementine variety and are great for grab-and-go snacks and packed lunches. Pick up this bag of cheery little citrus fruits while they're in season.
• 3 lb bag of Bella mandarins
• Seedless and easy to peel
• Extremely sweet and juicy
• Clementine variety
• Releases an aromatic scent as you peel them
• Deep reddish-orange flesh
• Great fruit snack
• 3 lb bag of Bella mandarins
• Seedless and easy to peel
• Extremely sweet and juicy
• Clementine variety
• Releases an aromatic scent as you peel them
• Deep reddish-orange flesh
• Great fruit snack