Duke Cannon
Duke Cannon Big Brick Soap Productivity
10 oz
$8.30 each($0.83 / oz)
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For the early rising man who leads a life of productivity, Duke Cannon created a soap with a hint of menthol to cool the skin and wake him up so he can get things done. A portion of proceeds benefits US veterans. Steel cut grains + triple milled for superior quality. 3x bigger than feminine bar soaps. Not for clowns. Duke Cannon is a man's man. He doesn't wear skinny jeans or listen to Coldplay. Duke Cannon could change a tire by the time he was three and was cleaning his own shotgun by the age of seven. Duke Cannon does more by 8 am than most men accomplish all day. Military Specs: inspired by soap used by GIs during the Korean War; tested by active duty US Military personnel; made in the same plant that supplied Korean War troops. In appreciation of the men and women who have kicked ass serving our country, Duke Cannon Supply Company donates a portion of proceeds to veterans causes. Manufactured in USA.