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Clorox Pool & Spa Green Algae Eliminator

1 qt
$18.71 each($0.58 / oz)

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Effective kill and preventative treatment. Fast-acting green algae treatment. For use in all pool types. Non-forming. Easy 1 2 3 Pool Care brand system. For swimming pool use.
  • Ingredients

    Active Ingredients: Alkyl (50% C14, 40% C12, 10% C16) Dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride (50.0%). Other Ingredient (50.0%). Total Ingredients: (100.0%).

    Allergens and safety warnings

    Keep out of reach of children. Danger: See back panel for first aid and additional precautionary statements. Precautionary Statements: Hazards to humans and domestic animals. Keep out of reach of children. Danger: Corrosive, causes irreversible eye damage and skin burns. Harmful if swallowed. Do not get in eyes, on skin or on clothing. Wear goggles or safety glasses, rubber gloves and protective clothing when handling this product. Wash thoroughly with soap and water after handling and before eating, drinking, using tobacco or using the toilet. Remove and wash contaminated clothing before reuse. First Aid: If on Skin or Clothing: Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice. If in Eyes: Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice. If Swallowed: Call poison control center or doctor immediately for treatment advice. Have person sip a glass of water if able to swallow. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by the poison control center or doctor. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person. Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor, or going for treatment. In case of medical emergency, call 1-877-800-5553. Note to Physician: Probably mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage. Physical and Chemical Hazards: Do not mix with other chemicals. Environmental Hazards: This pesticide is toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates.