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Barbie Hatch & Gather Egg Farm Playset

$41.06 each
Victoria H‑E‑B plus!


Explore a world of farm fun with the Barbie® Hatch & Gather Egg Farm™ playset. Barbie® doll (brunette/11.5 in) comes in a petite shape and wears an adorable chicken-themed dress and blue boots. The playset has a realistic egg hatching feature where kids use dough to create eggs in the mold and 'hatch' baby chicks! The fun really starts as kids help the hens 'lay eggs' that roll down the chute and collect into the carton. They can also 'grow' grass with the green dough for food to feed the calf and bunny figures.

What's in the box: Includes Barbie® doll, hatching stand, 2 dough colors, mold, shovel, bucket, basket, apple treats, feeder, baby calf, bunny, 2 hens and 6 chicks.
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